Apps now available Restore forests.

510,989 LBS Pounds of Garbage
641,693 LBS Pounds of Metal
3580 Members
1,152,682 LBS Both garbage & metal removed

Become a Member

We are a non profit organization completely made of volunteers. Join today and help make a difference

Become a MEMBER

Join your hand with us for a beautiful future

Teaching Values

By showing our future generations the right way to care for our planet we are instilling the proper values of tomorrow.

Cleaner Environments

Runoff – Illegal dumping can impede the natural runoff of water during heavy rain or storms. This can cause the water to build up in areas where it is not wanted – potentially causing flash flooding and damage to property and/or land. Dumped trash can also become caught up in the runoff, where if flows into waterbodies, and can cause the contamination of drinking water supplies, lakes, and rivers.

Looking towards the future

Plants and wildlife – Illegal dumping can adversely affect many native species of plants and animals. If animals consume waste from illegal dump sites it can cause health complications and even death. The toxins from waste can leach into the surrounding environment, killing plants and destroying the food source of local animals.

Who We Are

The Okanagan Forest Task Force was formed in August, 2016 by a group of outdoor enthusiasts who were concerned over the growing epidemic of illegal dumping in our forests, recreational areas and along natural waterways.

Learn More

Apps, Website, and Software Donated by Red Cherry

Make Donation

Your money can clean our forests

If you would like to become a sponsor or make a donation to this amazing group you can donate to our PayPal page. Our sponsored by page and all sponsors will have a link to their websites. Please take a second to check out our sponsors.

OFTF is really doing a great job and I am part of it and donated amount for good. Katy Dout, Canada

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Latest News and Press Releases

As many positive outdoor activities are seeing an increase through the COVID-19 pandemic, so are some negative ones. According to Kane Blake of the Okanagan Forest Task Force, illegal dumping is on the rise. The task...


An army of volunteers cleaned up 15,880 pounds of scrap metal and 6,834 pounds of garbage on the weekend. The latest clean up of Central Okanagan forest has produced more than 22,000 pounds of discarded junk....


Kane Blake of the Okanagan Forest Task Force is disgusted by what he found over an embankment on Postill Lake Road in Ellison over the weekend. “There’s diapers, tupperware containers, household garbage. A video posted to...